Sunday, June 10, 2012

Seventeen More Days!!!!

It's hard to believe we are so close to meeting Dzintars! Only 17 more days till he arrives here in California!! We've received his official flight information and his plane arrives in LAX just after 12 am on the 28th of June. We really want to have the kids there with us to greet him when he arrives, but with his arrival time being so far past their bedtime we'll have to see.  We're looking forward to meeting him and sharing our summer with him!

We're busy seeking out fun teenage boy activities to do with Dzintars while he's here. After sending out many emails to various museums, zoos etc. We have been blessed to have tickets donated for our entire family for The Discovery Science Center as well as two tickets to the Aquarium of the Pacific . Sadly Disneyland turned down our request...we expected as much, but figured it never hurts to try. After all Walt Disney was adopted!

We also have his Dental and Eye exams donated by local doctors! Yay! Hopefully he'll only need the exams and not any dental work or glasses!

Now that we're just weeks away from meeting him it's time to start getting things prepared for his arrival. Brennan will be moving in with Kaelyn while he's here so that Dzintars can have his own room. We've bought him a few pieces of clothing and a swimsuit (for his lessons generously donated by Head Above Water ) and are hoping to get most of the rest of his clothing donated once we know what his sizes are.

We still have a small amount of money we need to raise in order to cover his additonal flight from the East Coast to California. If you'd like to donate money to help cover those costs you can safely do so by visiting our site . Those funds will go directly to Dzintars airline fees.

One other thing we've been asked to provide him with is a Bible in his native language of Latvian. We've yet to purchase one, but have our eye on one on Ebay, we need to get on that as it's coming directly from Latvia. If you'd like to bless Dzintars by purchasing a Bible for him please let me know and I can pass along that information for you!

We covet your prayers at this time. Many older caregivers in Eastern Europe have a former Soviet Union mentality and are very skeptical of Americans and why we'd want to host their children. It is unfortunate that they feel this way and even more unfortunate that they feel the need to pass these fears onto the younger generation, especially those about to embark on the hosting experience. Dzintars has been fortunate enough to have personally met some Americans through a church that "adopted" his orphanage and organized a mission trip to deliver gifts during Christmas so hopefully he won't be coming over with unnecessary fears. But if we stop a moment to put ourselves in his shoes, he's bound to be a little fearful. He's leaving everything he knows, coming to a new country where people speak a language he doesn't know and while we chose him and have been praying for him for months, he will not be told about us until he arrives at the airport to come to America. Please pray for a smooth transition for all of us!!

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