Monday, May 14, 2012

Head Above Water

One of Dzintars wishes for hosting was to learn to swim. Last summer was our first experience with swim lessons for our own kiddos. It was quite the undertaking. We tried group lessons at two different pools for Brennan and it just wasn't working. He was extremely fearful of putting his head in the water (which of course really limited his progress) and there just wasn't time in group lessons to address his issues so little to no progress was made. Then one day, thanks to a friend's Facebook post, I learned about Head Above Water's private swim lessons! The private lessons allowed all his needs to be addressed by an experienced swim instructor who took the time to get to know him and what motivated him! If you know Brennan you know he's obsessed with garbage trucks!! When his swim teacher Stephany began pulling out toys to use during his first lesson she had a little rubber garbage truck, don't you just love how God works little gifts like that into our lives? These lessons allowed him to grow by leaps and bounds, we were thrilled with his progress and look forward to both Brennan and Kaelyn's Head Above Water lessons this summer.
When I read that Dzintars wanted to learn to swim I immediately thought about Head Above Water and what a blessing private lessons would be for him so I decided to reach out and see if they'd be willing to donate some lessons on his behalf! Meredith, the owner, is the sweetest lady ever! Without hesitating she offered up a list of available lessons for the weeks Dzintars will be with us! I can't wait to see that boy in the pool!!

If  you still need to sign your kids up for swim lessons this summer I highly recommend Head Above Water! You won't find a better program, trust me, we tried several! They specialize in private lessons that they customize for each child! Brennan had a blast last summer, and gained so much confidence in the pool we can't wait to see what he'll learn this summer!

Thanks again Meredith! Your gift is beyond generous and something we never would have been able to provide for Dzintars on our own!!!

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