Sunday, December 15, 2013

Falling In Love

As as coordinator for NHFC I've fallen in love many times with kids we're advocating for. Sometimes it's their story that reaches into the depths of my heart and stirs my love for them, sometimes it's their interests, or that they've been overlooked for hosting in the past. Sometimes it's their special needs that I know make them "less attractive" to so many families, and sometimes it's merely their photograph that pulls me in! But once I've "fallen" for one I can't help but advocate for those kiddos and I rejoice when they are chosen by hosting families, knowing that I'll most likely NEVER meet those kids in person! Regardless of that fact, the ones I've fallen for will forever hold a special place in my heart.

When I traveled to Russia 15 years ago I also fell in love with many of the sweet faces I met. Truthfully, I wanted to stuff them all into my suitcase and bring them home forever! The lives they were leading weren't fair and my heart just broke for them! I carry this photo in my Bible to this very day...unable to let go of those I met there!

Aren't they precious??? All are well into adulthood by now...I often wonder of their fate.  Did they succumb to the sad statistics for orphans who age out, never to know the love of a family? Were they lured into prostitution by a greedy pimp, are they living on the streets or in jail...were their circumstances so dire they chose to commit suicide to escape the pain? What has become of these little ones?

These are the questions that keep me up at night and the reason I'm so passionate about the work of New Horizons. ONE person can revolutionize the life of an orphan!!! Knowing that they have a "family" in America who loves them and cares for them can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD to these kids! Even if there are circumstances (like their age) that prevent them from be adopted. Being CHOSEN matters. Experiencing a HEALTHY FAMILY matters. Being LOVED matters!

As I prepare to once again travel to Eastern Europe and step foot in orphanage after orphanage my heart will yet expand again. It will be impossible NOT to fall in love because...

"Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes." - (David Platt)

I know I will come home more in love and more passionate about advocating for them than ever before. Because once I know their names it will be impossible to ignore their need for love!

Will you partner with me and New Horizons and help cover the costs associated with this trip? Will you help me reach out to hundreds of orphans in Eastern Europe who need to know they are valued and loved?  We're 20% of the way there!

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