Saturday, April 20, 2013

An Invitation to Help

My women's Bible study at church just started a book by Max Lucado called "Out Live Your Life". We're only a few chapters in and I'm already hooked. Here's just a few paragraphs that captured my attention in the first chapter:

Ours is the wealthiest generation of Christians ever. We are bright, educated, and experienced. We can travel around the world in twenty-four hours or send a message in a millisecond. We have the most sophisticated research and medicines at the tips of our finders. We have ample resources. A mere 2 percent of the world's grain harvest would be enough, if shared, to erase the problems of hunger and malnutrition around the world. There is enough food on the planet to offer every person twenty-five hundred calories of sustenance a day. We have enough food to feed the hungry.
And we have enough bedrooms to house the orphans. Here's the math. There are 145 million orphans worldwide. nearly 236 million people in the United States call themselves Christians. From a purely statistical standpoint, American Christians by themselves have the wherewithal to house every orphan in the world. 
Of course, many people are not in a position to do so. They are elderly, infirm, unemployed or simply feel no call to adopt. Yet what if a small percentage of them did? ...
...We can't just snap our fingers and expect the grain to flow across the borders or governments to permit foreign adoptions. Policies stalemate the best of efforts...
...But this much is clear: the storehouse is stocked. The problem is not in the supply; the problem is in the distribution. God has given this generation, our generation, everything we need to alter the course of human suffering. 

I'm so in love with this book. Have you ever stopped to wonder what your legacy will be once you are gone? What have you done to make your life count? To make a mark in this world? 

There are so many ways to get involved and make a difference. Some are "front and center" and evident to everyone. Others are more "behind the scenes" and their true impact may never known. 

Today I want to invite you to help two boys whom you may never meet...their names are Sasha and Zhenya and they need your help. UPDATE: The boys have been chosen by a different family, God had other plans and we are so grateful that they have been chosen!!! If you'd still like to donate to a waiting child check out our photolisting and choose a child to bless today!!

These boys are very close to my heart. They live in the same orphanage as Dzintars and Zhenya and Dz are friends.  What breaks my heart about these two is that they were offered multiple times over a two year period by New Horizons for Children and other hosting organizations and NEVER chosen...that is until this winter. When a family in Southern California stepped out in faith to host them! After years of being left behind, these two were finally CHOSEN! These two had an amazing four weeks with a loving family who adore them and they'd like to return. Though Sasha had tried to protect his heart for the possibility that he might not be asked back by telling his host family he would be working this summer and unable to come for a summer visit. He has now said "if we will be invited it is my priority to come. If family will not invite us then I will be working this summer. I hope we can come together!" 

Here's the problem it will cost more than $6,200 to bring them back this summer and that's a whole lot of money for a family to come up with, not once, but twice. Their host family desperately wants these boys, they love them and want to be able to share their summer with them, they simply do not have the funds to do so. My fear is that when these two aren't able to come back to their host family, they will think their host family doesn't want them and this will just be yet another form of rejection in their young lives. 

I know most of you are thinking "Why not just tell them they can't afford to bring them again?" This seems like a simple solution to us, but for kids who have grown up in an Eastern European orphanage and have little to NO concept of money this simply will not due! They will simply think their host family doesn't want them! They see our houses, our property, our vehicles and our STUFF and compared to life in their country think all Americans are rich! The "we can't afford it" line will simply be seen as an excuse, another rejection added to a long line of people who have let them down. Can you imagine who they might feel?

So I ask you, would you consider contributing towards their hosting fees so they can return to a loving family this summer? You may never know the impact your contributions will have on their young lives, but I promise you they WILL have an impact! These boys will know they were chosen and loved and the love of Christ will be poured into them this summer by a family who is desperate to be the "hands and feet of Jesus" in their young lives! Would you help them? 

These are amazing boys, whom I have met and spent time with. Boys I've laughed with and joked with. They are just two of the 145+ million orphans in the world today, but they are two that we can do something about! Together we can make a difference!  

If you'd like to contribute towards Sasha and Zhneya's scholarship fund I'd be ever so grateful.  To make a tax free donation use this PayPal link: On the second page, once you've logged in you'll see a very small line in blue that says "+add special instructions to the seller". Please click that link and in the space provided write that you'd like to contribute to brothers Sasha and Zhenya's hosting fees! That should ensure the funds go directly into their account! 

Let's bring these four back together!!


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