Sunday, October 14, 2012

Birthday Bash

This weekend Kaelyn turned 3!! She's a spunky, silly, funny, independent, giggly, princess and fairy loving little tomboy! She brings so much joy into our lives and we're so blessed to be her parents! Happy birthday sweet girl!

With cousin Luke. 

Grandma and Papa. 

Papa's girl:)

Grampa and Gramma. 

Auntie Nay Nay

Reading books with Auntie at her party. 

Watching Tinker Bell with friends. 

She's one happy girl! Two of her favorite gifts, a sucker and a Tinker Bell movie:) 

Some cousin love during movie time. 

Doc McStuffins is in the house! Anyone need a checkup? 

Her new fairy tea set. 

She's been asking for these for months! They were a hit. 

One happy birthday girl:)
The fairy tea set is even more fun with actual fairies:) 

We had a fantastic weekend celebrating our little princess. Seeing her joy and experiencing her excitement about everything just made it even better! We loved watching her interact with her friends at her party and play with her new toys. Shouts of "This is SO cool!" and "How awesome!" could be heard as she unwrapped her gifts!

Somehow celebrating her birthday makes me think of all the orphans out there with no one to celebrate them on their special day! Kids like Dzintars who just celebrated his birthday less than two weeks ago, alone:( I'm so, so thankful that for him, birthdays will soon have a new meaning and will be a reason to celebrate! But for so many others, this just isn't the case!! There's less than two weeks left to choose a child to host this Christmas! Did you know, if they remain in their home countries they have less than a 1% chance of EVER being adopted?


Hosting them in America increases their chances to 65%!! That's a HUGE advantage! It brings me great joy to imagine what Dzintars' next birthday will look like with a family by his side:) I bet all his previous birthdays pale in comparison!! Could you be the link between an orphan and their forever family??? Between a lifetime of birthdays alone and a special day meant just for them? Take a look at the kids who are available for hosting this Christmas on our photolisting or checkout for more information!

Just to be don't need to be interested in adoption in order to host! Taking care of the orphans and widows is something God calls us all to do, but I don't believe he calls us all to adopt! Don't let that stop you from investing in the lives of these kids! People often wonder how a few weeks in America can change an orphan's life. They often question if it's cruel to bring them here to America (aka The Land of Plenty) and then send them back to their orphanages. If that's you, then take a few moments to read this blog post written by a fellow New Horizons for Children coordinator! It's called Misconceptions and I think it's written beautifully!

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