Friday, July 6, 2012

California Chainsaw Massacre

A battle over a toy chainsaw turned into some serious male bonding tonight for Peter and Dzintars. They wrestled and giggled as they pretended to cut each other. I loved every second of it! Most of these kiddos are used to being around women but are less comfortable around men since they don't typically work at the orphanages. Peter was completely worn out and the batteries in the chainsaw were as well but Dzintars was begging for more. Peter had to promise him they could wrestle more tomorrow night! The shrieks of joy and laughter coming from Dzintars were PRICELESS!!! When Peter managed to wrestle the chainsaw out of his hands he came running to hide behind me:) He also decided to sleep with the chainsaw in his room because he thought Peter might try and start another battle after he went to sleep.

Thought this one deserved to be EXTRA LARGE!!!

1 comment:

  1. awwwww. it's beautiful to watch the layers your extra large pic!
