Friday, January 11, 2013


Last night one of our host mom's had a talk with her host son about life after he ages out of the's heartbreaking to hear what his future may hold but it needs to be heard!
"Myron and I stayed up till 2:30am last night talking about life after the orphanage. The statistics about the kids leaving the orphanage and their crime rate and suicide now make sense. Myron explained how school (orphanage) will tell him good bye after class 11 (11th grade). He will try to make it on his own but if he is hungry or has no place to live then he can go to prison. He will have a room and food there. If prison is bad he can hang himself. When I gasped he said "it's ok, Ukraine tradition." Myron is 15 talking about his options at 16."
When I responded to her that I was so stunned that he'd talk about going to jail and hanging himself so matter of factly she replied:
Stacey-he was not sad at all. When I was in shock he tried to make me understand its ok. It's like he has no hope and death is a way out if life is more than he can handle. You would have thought he was talking about something as light as being on a bad just end it. And the crime rate statistics aren't because these are criminals... Just hungry kids needing a place to sleep.

Can you believe that, he's 15 and talking about going to prison just for a warm place to stay and food to eat and if that was too rough he'd just hang himself. I've heard the stories of these kids committing suicide, it's heartbreaking that they see it as their only way out!  Just another reason why orphan hosting and advocating is so close to my heart!  These kids and this one in particular are SO WORTH IT! Please consider hosting a child this summer, our pre-application is already up and running...


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