Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear American Teens and Pre-Teens,

While you were busy pointing and laughing at the tall blonde headed teen riding the pony at the street fair tonight he was having the time of his life! Why on earth do you feel the need to ridicule a child you do not even know? He could have been mentally handicapped, or autisitc OR a Latvian orphan who sees those tiny little ponies as his ONLY opportunity EVER IN HIS LIFE to ride a horse! He couldn't care less that he was 5 feet 3 inches and riding a pony, so why should you?? He was not bothering you, in fact he was oblivious to your existence (thank goodness)! I should be sad that Dzintars was laughed at, but instead I choose to be sad for you! You are so spoiled and have it so good you can't find joy in such a simple, seemingly babyish thing like riding a pony! I hope and pray that Brennan and Kaelyn won't grow up to be "spoiled Americans" like you! But that their worldviews are being broadened and their eyes opened to the lives of those who are less fortunate than they are! So you think you are too cool or too old to ride a pony? Then don't ride one!!! But don't laugh and point at others that choose to do so!


An Angry Host Mom


  1. He's just adorable! He reminds me so much of the boy we hosted last summer, Artem.

    Your family is growing in ways you can't even imagine! And B and K are going to change the world because of the parents they have and the love you show them and D!

    Leigh Ann

  2. i've been thinking a lot lately at how spoiled it seems we ALL are here in America. We buy blenders, clothing, etc that cost more than what it would feed others in impoverished countries. Anyhow...that's what's been on my mind. New to your blog, ready to read some more! --Ashley from
