Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Fab Five

Today I spent the day with the "Fab Five" again. We headed to "Pirate Park" for some fun! It was really the perfect place to take 5 kids ranging in age from 2-14:) The littles played on the playground and in the sand and the big boys got to roam around in the hills armed with Nerf Guns hunting each other. But first, we had to have some Otter Pops. Dzintars has an addiction going and it was so HUMID today! Insane! 

Then the hunting began!

Watch out world she's armed and fabulous!

"Pirate Park" was well protected today. 

 While the boys played soccer and baseball someone found some pink chalk and went to town. She looks like an Umpaloompa:)

After they tired of sports and Nerf wars they just played tag.

They even let Bren and Kae play too. 

It really has been fun watching these five kiddos spend time together. It's actually easier having all five of them because they all play together so well! Dzintars is eating it up! He asked if they boys were spending the night again tonight! Not sure I can do two sleepovers in one week, but maybe next week buddy!!

Joel decided to spend the day with us and the boys and I made these cookies while Brennan and Kaelyn napped. They are made with vanilla pudding mix and they are divine! Seriously, they stay nice and soft, just like I like my cookies, plus the recipe makes like 6 dozen so you can bake some and then freeze a bunch of the dough.

"Stacey good!" :) 

Today marks two weeks since Dzintars came to live with us? The contrast between the timid, QUIET, shy boy who barely spoke to the fun loving, jokester we now have in our home is amazing! What a difference a family makes! Please continue sharing our blog and his story in hopes that he will find a forever family!! 

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