Saturday, December 22, 2012

About a boy...

I'm not sure if anyone besides myself will ever read this, but there's so many thoughts swirling around in my head this week I've got to get them out.

Most of you know Dzintars arrived back on U.S. soil this weekend. He stepped off the plane and into the arms of his mom and dad, the only thing is, he doesn't know that yet. He knows he has a family in the process of adopting him (though he has no idea what that process entails or how long the needed documents take to get translated and processed, etc). He just doesn't know that the family he is now with is HIS family. That the mother lovingly taking care of him while he is sick is HIS mother. That the father he's been joking around with is HIS father. That those brothers he's been shooting Nerf guns at are HIS brothers. There are reasons for this of course, good ones even,  which you can read about here.

But the "not knowing" is hard on him. Up until he walked off that plane Peter and I were the only parents he'd ever known and there's a bond there. He's only been here a few days and I believe in time he'll adjust and long for us less. He's a survivor and that's what survivors do. They move on, they adapt. Fortunately for Dzintars, he has the most amazing parents EVER! I mean that with everything in me! Earlier this week a friend asked me how I was doing knowing that Dzintars is here and he's not with me. Was I jealous? Did I wish he was with us instead? The truth is I'm not! It's no secret that Dzintars is an amazing kid! We were beyond blessed to have six precious weeks with him, loving on him and sharing new experiences together, but he was never ours to keep. He was always meant to be theirs. Always! He's right where God intended for him to be. If you knew Dzintars the way I do, and you also had the pleasure of spending time with Adam and Stacy like I have, you would see, they are everything he needs and the answer to his every prayer.

Stacy is the most gracious and loving person I've ever met. I'm blessed to have her by my side as we work together to love Dzintars well. She loves sacrificially and though it would be easy for her to be jealous when he asks about me or expresses his longing to see me, she's not. She sees a boy that needs love and has a bond with someone who cares about him. Instead of trying to break it, she's nurtured it and encouraged it all for Dzintars' sake because that's what mother's do! Her friendship is just one of the many blessings that I have received since we hosted this summer!

I'm so thankful that out of all the families in all the world God chose the "P" family to raise Dzintars! There couldn't be a better fit for this child anywhere! I'm also thankful that God chose to keep him in the same state as us! They're only 1.5 hours north of my parent's house where we will be spending Christmas and they've invited us to come visit!


  1. Tears. Oh you have no idea how MUCH this post blessed me! Love you Stace!

    1. It was one I felt compelled to write, now I know why :) Merry Christmas Stac!
