Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Acts - Day 11

Today we set out to...

The kids were super excited for this one! But first mommy had to acquire some one dollar bills using a five and a bunch of quarters. The checker was super "bah humbug" and looked at me like I was nuts! I think he may have needed to take a stroll through his own store and found some hidden dollar bills! Geez buddy!

Brennan wanted to put this dollar bill all the way inside of the crayon piggy bank. 

I managed to convince him to just stick it in partially. 

Some of their hiding spots...

One guess who hid this one??

All in all this was a fun one and a good learning experience for them as they both saw things they wanted! Brennan definitely knows what a dollar is and knowing that everything in the store was only $1 (and his piggy bank is full of money) about pushed him over the edge. I needed to remind them several times that we were there to do something nice for someone else and another day we could come back and shop for them. Brennan kept looking around for hidden dollars, thinking that everyone must come into the dollar store and hide dollar bills. Silly boy. He said several times

"I hope when I come back to shop someone will hide dollar bills for me to find!"

Hmmm...maybe mommy will have to arrange that one day:)  One of my happiest childhood memories was going camping with my Oma and Opa and they'd take us to play in this creek and inevitably it would start "raining" coins for us to collect! So I think a trip to dollar tree someday where my kids just "happen" to find some money could be kind of fun!

Tomorrow we will bring...

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