Saturday, December 15, 2012

Random Acts - Day 15

Today we...

This was easy, fun and free! Three things I like! What kid doesn't like to push the shopping cart??

It might seem a little frivolous as an act of kindness but it was COLD today (well cold for us SoCal peeps) and you better believe this dude appreciated our act of kindness!!  We helped collect the carts that were strewn throughout the parking lot so he didn't have to work so hard!

Brennan even approached a few shoppers after they'd unloaded their groceries and asked if he could return their carts for them! They appreciated his kindness and he thought it was super fun! I call that a "win-win" and I'm sure he'll be asking to return shopping carts again real soon! Like EVERY time we attempt a trip to the store!

In other news...the kids had their annual Christmas performance last night. Here are the highlights...

Looking impossibly cute before they went on stage!

My little snowflake princess.


 Today daddy made these special Pinterest inspired Rudolph pancakes!

They were a hit!

Hmmm, I feel like there was something else going on that I was going to tell you...what could it be??

Oh that's right!! This dude and all his Latvian companions arrive TOMORROW!!!!

His first of three flights just left Latvia! Tomorrow night I'll head to LAX and greet our SoCal kiddos!!! We have so many host families in California this year we earned ourself two separate airport arrivals instead of one! This is a HUGE blessing for our Northern CA families as it's saving them hours upon hours of drive time but since I can't be in two places at once I won't be greeting my NorCal kiddos! Dzintars is part of the SFO bunch and will walk off the plane and into the arms of his adoptive family!! I'm just beside myself with excitement on his behalf! At this point he doesn't know his host family is also his adoptive family as they aren't at the point in the process where Latvia has made the official match between them and him.

Please be keeping our New Horizons kiddos in your prayers as they travel! All Latvians are now in the air. All that is expcept one sweet little 3 year old who has the flu! She's unable to travel at the moment but we're working hard to find an adoptive family that will be traveling soon and can possibly escort her to the U.S. Additionally on Tuesday 80+ Ukrainian kiddos and their chaperones will also arrive in the U.S. and they too could use your prayers! Getting 230+ kiddos from Eastern Europe and to their various host families throughout the United States is no easy feat!

Tomorrow we will...

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