Sunday, December 2, 2012

Random Acts - Day 2

The kids were excited to participate in their first day of our Random Acts of Kindness. When Brennan pulled out today's card and I explained what we were going to do and why he immediately went to his stash of quarters (he keeps them handy so he has the $ to play the toy claw machine/games around town) and came back with two quarters to offer up! He's got such a sweet heart!
It'd been awhile since I'd last been inside a laundromat! I had guessed that it was 75 cents to wash and 50 cents to dry...boy was I wrong!! Some of the larger machines that were claiming they could hold 3+ loads were between $3-5! We weren't quite prepared for that, so our money didn't go as far as we'd have liked but I'm sure it still blessed whoever stumbled upon these machines!

Kaelyn's not as bored as she looks, promise...clearly she dressed herself today. She insisted on wearing the pink skirt even though it didn't match the yellow shirt she already had on, then insisted on wearing her summer sandals and a pink headband that wasn't the same shade as her pink skirt! Yep, she's three!

In other news...yesterday was my second host parent training for my California host families. I'd already trained four families up in Northern California last month and yesterday my friend Stephanie and I trained 10 more down here! It was great to see how much the hosting program has grown in California in such a short time period and to meet all of my families! Two weeks from today our Latvian kiddos arrive!! Two day later the Ukrainians will join them! Still so thankful to be a part of New Horizons for Children!

Today we had our annual "Breakfast with Santa" at The Peach Cafe! We've done it with Brennan's best friend Corbin and his family for four years in a row now! It's such a fun Christmas tradition! While you're eating breakfast Santa comes and hands out candy canes and gifts (all free) to the kiddos and then he sings a few Christmas carols before he heads back to the North Pole! Santa must not be aware that the economy has tanked because this year they got the best gifts to date!!

Our post breakfast attempts at a family picture failed...

But I was able to crop one of them and get this cute one of Kaelyn and I so it wasn't a total loss:)

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